Sunday, August 21, 2011

surprise !

10:00 am 
 We went to church and had a wonderful fellowship with my friends and fellow workers
12:00 noon
ordered meal for lunch at KFC
Attended discipleship lessons 
2:30 pm
attended small groups

4-5:00 pm
rest. had a short nap
5-7:00 pm
attended worship 101 class

After the class session my friend told me that we had a little meeting in the office, so we proceed at the informal meeting and right after that my friends prepared a surprise for me.

It was such a wonderful feeling having greeted by your friends who were joyfully singing and dancing giving me a merry happy birthday song.

There's food and a chocolate cake that scribbled my name and lots of fun as they each of them gave me a warm greetings with smile on their faces

I am very thankful for this event and it made my eyes teary as i speak my birthday prayers for my family friends and to myself.

We had a nice dinner & i couldn't thank them enough for their effort to celebrate in advance my birthday.

 I'll definitely cherished this day for in a short while i dont care about any of my insecurities, misfortunes, nightmares, angst and other negative emotions I've been written on this blog  for almost a year now.

This night I felt that i was important, loved, respected and special.

So i thank you all, and   I couldnt find any words best describe my gratitude for all of  your efforts.

And also thanks to the alleged "mastermind"  my dear and deeply loved special someone who made this surprise celebration in to a reality

thank you very very much.


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