Friday, June 10, 2011


Last night along with the heavy downpour of rain, I was given a chance to travel back home wearing my raincoat. (supplied by our contractor) Though the rain and winds are strong, I still manage to arrive home safely with a little sleepy eyes and full of wandering thoughts.

I do love the rain, and while walking i made some playful gestures together with the dancing water pouring on me. Then I remember the last time i wear a raincoat was during my fourth grade which was ages ago. Back then i have a blue raincoat that covers my whole body and the usual end of my class were at around 5:00-6:00 in the afternoon. I remember that day when i was about to go home and the rain started to get stronger, I asked my classmate to accompany me as we walk back home. But to my disappointment, she refused my offer (it's a "she" and i have a slight crush on her). and So there I was walking sulky stomping my feet on the flood. My uniform and bag were all wet but i did not pay any attention to it. But then the amazing thing happen on that very moment.

I  heard a wonderful voice. the soft and sometimes loud striking of rain from all over the place gives a perfect nature-played and well balanced rhythm of music. A melody not even composed of notes and chords but consisting of delicate elements of earth, wind and water. It's as if the rain is talking to me. Whispering his story of adventure cycle from being vaporized at the sea to becoming a real life paintings of clouds, showering the earth in the form of rain and continuously flowing in a stream as it journey back into the sea. From then on rain becomes my friend and comforter. That might be the reason why I engaged in musical instrument playing hoping that i might be able to transcribe the unique language I've been hearing into something more of a humane understanding.

As far as I could remember, during my birthday It always rain. Whether it's a stormy, mild or just a rainshower, It sure didn't miss my special day. It might be a sign of greetings and blessings for another fruitful year of my life. I'am much more excited to see the rain falling from the sky rather than receiving gifts and party celebrations. Likewise, I would be upset if the rain would come the other day after my birthday.

I do have some collection of lovely experiences while in the midst of rainy season but that would be another story to tell.

"Water" purifies almost everything. It cleanses our body our soul and even our transgressions. It reveal the inmost desire of our heart in crystal clear and transparent layers of truth and honesty. It dissolve hate and wash away pain from sufferings. We even seek the comfort it can give as water quenches our thirst for love, compassion and mercy towards the others. With this element we we're baptized and declared holy, sacred and purified. Thus our eyes were opened and  we can now know the truth the" He" is the living water by which whoever drink from it would never get thirsty again.

At present, I could still hear the rain and its beautiful language, but now , I'm singing and sometimes when no one is around i would sway my stiff  belly, wiggle my feet and nod my head in slight dancing. Rain is my friend. And to some, they detested and wished that he just go and stay away from their lives. To them he is an enemy that brings disaster and an ender of livelihood and even lives.But in reality, my friend only want  to share this marvelous feeling, a child-like attitude of pleasing our father(or mother) for us to carry and put us in his protecting arms & be at peace.

And so last Wednesday night, I have given another chance to meet and play with the rain. It always reminds me that i would always be singing in the rain for this glorious feeling of being happy again. Perhaps Gene Kelly felt the same way too. He might have heard the music that I'm hearing when he write a song and sing it with all his heart.

I pray that someday all of us will hear your voice and feel the overflowing joy. And when it comes, fill our heart with your wonderful blessing.

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