Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tough Guys finish first

Yesterday we have received another report of accident in our construction field. That was the 7th recorded accident here ranging from minor cut to a gruesome blood spilling laceration.

the first recorded accident was from a man who allegedly pee-ing on the temporary G.I. wall. while relieving his urges the lamp post fall directly on his shoulder due to erroneous maneuver of crane that damaged the street light and eventually leads to the accident.---- the victim suffered from a shoulder injury and urinary disorder(phobia).

Second on the list are the stupid workers who were working and digging on the soil barefooted. The administration are strictly enforcing to wear the complete and proper safety gear during working hours and within the site premises. Those who were caught in disobeying the rules were fined with salary deductions.They were digging the soil up to eight feet deep for the foundation when suddenly the pile of soil had run off and buried them in half. oh did i mentioned that there were shrapnel of broken glasses, shells and twigs. Those grave diggers have experienced the actual condition of "six-feet under" with lots of bruises and laceration on their feet. This happened in a span of five minutes.

Third incident came from Tarzan and the acute  electrocution from a high tension wire. He suffered from a electric dance syndrome while hanging on the wire.

Fourth on the list is just a speck on the eye, but what if the speck is as huge as a rock falling from a concrete chipping works. The poor guy who don't mind using safety protection glass now permanently using his left eye while the right one is just a decoration.

Fifth is the "cliff hanger" guy whose head is as hard as the asphalt to whom his body clashes on. He was eventually crossing the pile of steel bars and wood, he forgot to tie his harness and seconds later a horrible scream of agony was heard from all over the place. He was rushed to the hospital aplied five stitches on the face, concrete cast on right arm and a few broken ribs.

The Sixth man on the list was more of a Boxing sport wherein he was smackdown by a fellow worker on the face like "iron" Mike Tyson smacking his opponent with a K.O. victory pose. The only difference in that was the boxing champ used gloves while the fellow worker used steel pipes. the poor challenger guy suffered from falling teeth, bleeding gums and a good night sleep for two days. And true enough just as tyson was put behind bars for his crime the striking fellow was escorted in the nearest jail.

The latest event goes to the three stooges. my fellow inspector reminded them to put the safety harness on the wire while they were removing scraps of the wall. They were standing on a platform with weak nail connection.
Then a deafening sound of thunder was heard and the three stooges are on the platform lying motionless.One with a broken arm, the second is still unconscious and the third one doesn't have a scratch. but bleeding from head to toe.-- They were admitted at the hospital with further examinations up to this day.

New incident would be added on the list if and only if the safety officer would slack off on their duty to remind the safety precautions on each and every persons working in this site.

Or maybe those people with hard head needs a lesson the hard way or they might experience the  practical  "actual" application of accident precautions.

"We build lives" (by taking others lives) were the rumored motto of construction related company. And this report would soon vanish in the record without any casualty compensation and assistance to their employer.

Quite a pretty business do'nt you think?

                                                           Anatomy of a life saving harness

                                                                  an ideal "tough guy"

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