Tuesday, August 16, 2011

its a 'bout time

It has been 10 month since I have a decent sleep.

Every night I've been sleeping at around 2:00 am and wakes up within an hour interval. After seeing the darkness of my room and the melancholic effect of the bright moonlight, I usually brushed away some creepy feelings and go back to sleep forcefully.

I should congratulate myself for being able to wake up in the morning, perform my duties at work, having fun with friends and doing other normal stuff of a typical guy would do in his life.

But It is also the second month that my sleep disorder have had an upgrade.

I rarely had nightmares and i'm pretty capable of handling it when it decides to ruin my dream. But lately I've had this sequence of nightmares every night for 61 dreams in a row. (62 for this night)

Different stories, places, people & set-ups that have connections with my past, present and future lives have been laid before my eyes in pitch black curtain.

From dead relatives trying to drag me down, life endings, tragic accidents, heartbroken, betrayal, light fading, anger,despair, illicit relations and violence, they all have patterned connections with each other. and before it ends it will provoke me to do the unnecessary but they never succeed

The "experience" usually starts when after having a peaceful dream, I would find myself be transported in a familiar place meeting with familiar faces and the rest is nightmare. After the nightmare comes to an end, I would come to my senses that it is all just a dream. I would try to react but quickly be pulled out back from my own self closed eyes & mouth wide opened. Although i never tried to open my eyes after knowing my situation but I've always felt there's someone or something touching and rubbing my chest with a chilling effect. It would make my heartbeat faster and immobilized my body for a brief moment.

All i can do is to gather my strength to clenched my fist and regain control of my sanity.

The next time i open my eyes would be at 6:00 in the morning.

Tonight, as i finished this blog i would lay my restless body in my folding bed and it's only a matter of time for me to do another battle of  logic and composure for i know that I'll be in trouble if i give into their demands.

So good night, sweet dreams  & fasten my "Bed-belt" for I'm on for the biggest bout of my life.

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